20 November 2009

Select magazine - Unheard pleasures - A

More exclusives from Select magazine. This is the only official release for the Prodigy track featured. I remember the mag itself as not very interesting but it seems I collected more tapes from there than almost any other publication. I may have forwarded through a couple of the less exciting tracks!

A1 Prodigy, The - Break & Enter (Live At Bristol Sound City) 5:45
A2 Ash - Kung Fu 2:23
A3 Skunk Anansie - Intellectualize My Blackness 3:35
A4 Empirion - Quark (Remix) 5:48
A5 Therapy? - Stories 2:57
A6 Echobelly - Go Away 2:42
A7 Happy Mondays - Hallelujah (Deadstock Remix)
