27 February 2007

DJ Shadow - In the mix!

A ten minute medley of tunes from his Private Press album. This was released in the UK and the US. My copy is a UK one. Contact me if you'd like it.


22 February 2007

R&B mixé par DL LBR

From other mixes I've heard by him I rate LBR as one of France's best. However, this is an R&B mix CD that came with a special copy of Groove magazine and I don't like R&B. You might, though. First two tracks have been trimmed to keep the download lean.

R&B mixé par DJ LBR

21 February 2007

Detroit (remix) - Fedde le Grand

A little re-rub of "Put your hands up for Detroit" in best quality to last you over until the next post.

Put your hands up for Detroit (Mr Wyse remix) - Fedde le Grand

16 February 2007

Moving shadow 98.2

Moving Shadow, in a fit of good marketing rarely seen in the industry, released mix compilations in the late 90s of output from their label at super-low prices. A few other labels did the same but you don't see so many now. This is probably the best one from the MS camp.

Moving shadow 98.2 - mixed by Timecode

12 February 2007

Ninja Tune mix - Coldcut - DJ mag

The other mix from the DJ mag CD that I promised. A nice Ninja Tune from Coldcut themselves. Tracklisting here

Ninja Tune mix - Coldcut - DJ magazine.

08 February 2007

About this blog

All music posted here is from mixtapes and CDs I've collected over the years. As I'm always interersted in trades everything here is up for grabs in its original format. Of course, by it's nature, this will be first come, first served! Talk to me through the comments or through email.

07 February 2007

Tribal Mix - Danny Tenaglia

From a cd that came with DJ magazine. Also features a lovely Coldcut/Ninja Tune mix that I might put up soon.

Tribal Mix - Danny Tenaglia - DJ magazine